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Lending Service (translate)

Lending Club

Различные community money service приобретают большую популярность в интернете.

The sixth-most-trafficked web site in the U.S. now has a personal lending element. Facebook, the online social network, launched the person-to-person lending service managed by Lending Club. The service will allow users to borrow and lend money directly among each other. Borrowers can apply for loans of as much as $25,000, but they must have a credit score of at least 640 -- essentially a prime borrower -- to obtain credit.

Идея простая: банки побоку, учасников online lending community интересуют только два вопроса: Need money? и Got money? Что это за сообщество и как оно работает, Вы можете узнать в этом блоге.

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