Поиск по банкам России

Блог посвящен деньгам, финансам, экономике, банковскому делу, кредитным картам, инвестициям и страхованию, а также финансовым институтам, онлайн-банкингу и финансовой грамотности. Подпишитесь и следите за мнениями экспертов и ценной информацией, которая поможет вам принимать финансовые решения.

Есть поиск по финансовым услугам банков России.

22 июля 2007

Take Control of Credit Card Debt

ARC Systems launched a new product, Debt Logistics, which helps credit card users get out of debt by educating them and then figuring out a personalized plan to best juggle their debt.
Debt Logistics’s program doesn’t negatively impact your credit rating like consolidation services. In fact, because you’ll be clearing your debt faster, you will even improve your credit score.
Credit card companies also have no way of knowing that you are using this product. The information you give is secure, and you don’t have to provide any identifying information, just debt information.
The program then comes up with a customized plan of how to transfer your debt to various credit cards so that you pay the minimum amount of interest. It basically moves high balances with high interest rates to cards with lower interest rates, using holding accounts so that you can transfer large amounts but only incur one transaction fee.

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